YouTube Timestamp link generator

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Creating YouTube Timestamp Links

A YouTube timestamp link allows you to share a specific moment within a video. To generate a timestamp link:

  1. Open the video on YouTube.
  2. Play the video and pause at the specific moment you want to share.
  3. Right-click on the video and select "Copy video URL at current time" or "Copy video URL" depending on the platform.
  4. The generated link will include the timestamp, denoted by "?t=" followed by the time in seconds. For example, "?t=65s" denotes 65 seconds into the video.

You can share this link, and when someone clicks on it, the video will start playing from the exact moment you specified.

If you want to manually create a timestamp link, add "?t=" followed by the desired time in seconds to the end of the video URL. For instance, if you want to start the video at 2 minutes and 30 seconds, add "?t=150" to the end of the URL.

Creating Timestamp Links for YouTube Videos

  1. Identify the Desired Moment: Watch the video and pause at the exact moment you wish to share.
  2. Right-Click to Copy the URL: Right-click on the video itself (or the address bar of your browser) and select "Copy video URL" or "Copy video URL at current time," depending on the available options.
  3. Timestamp in the URL: The generated link will contain the timestamp information. For example, if you're sharing a link to a video starting at 1 minute and 20 seconds, the URL will end with "?t=80s" or "?t=80" to indicate the time in seconds.
  4. Sharing the Timestamped Link: Paste and share this URL wherever you'd like – whether it's in an email, chat, social media platform, or any other messaging service. When someone clicks on the link, the video will start playing from the specified timestamp.
  5. Manual Timestamp Addition: If the option to copy the timestamped URL isn't available or you want to manually create a timestamp link, add "?t=" followed by the time in seconds to the end of the video URL. For instance, if you want the video to start at 3 minutes and 45 seconds, the URL would end with "?t=225".

This method ensures that when the recipient opens the link, the video will begin playing from the designated timestamp instead of starting at the video's beginning.

Remember, when sharing timestamped links, the viewer's device must have an internet connection to access and play the YouTube video from the specified moment.